The Plan Award 2015
in the Best Paper category, THE PLAN Award 2015,
at Perspective 2015, Milan
Jury Motivation
Unlike other documents presented for this award, this essay is a sample of a bigger and ambitious oeuvre.
It is however enough to give us its sense:an architect placed to observe the evolving pattern of cities, recognizing their escalating urbanization, but rejecting the simplistic solutions proposed by the mass media-laden discussion.
In this piece it is the island matrix of Berlin and Venice to be confronted. It proves that a deeper knowledge of the city, of its undercurrent legends, is required to suggest a different solution. One wonders whether it is a handicap or an advantage that this brilliant message is not contained in a paper book…
Jury Members
Maurizio Sabini (chairman) Professor, Hammons School of Architecture, Drury University, USA
Francesco Garofalo, Full Professor, Universita’ di Chieti-Pescara, Italy
Marc Neveu, Chair, Dept. of Architecture, Woodbury University, USA
Elodie Nourrigat, NBJ Architectes, Montpellier + ENSAM Montpellier, France
Mara Partida, MX_SI Studio, Barcelona + ETSAB Barcelona, Spain
Michael Speaks, Dean, School of Architecture, Syracuse University, USA