Serbatoi di pensiero

A series of 15 drawings divided by 5 categories of recent time extrapolated by titles of Il Foglio Quotidiano.

  • UnPublished

Guerra e Pace

A series of 28 drawings representing an atlas of timeless aesthetic remainders suggested by the front page of Il Foglio Quotidiano, published during the first month of the 2022 war in East Europe.

  • Publications:
    -Il Foglio Quotidiano, 11.03,2023, Inserto speciale
  • -Ordine degli architetti di Roma, IoArch, Exibart, Il Foglio, Ordine degli Architetti di Milano, One, Listone Giordano, The Art Tribune
  • MM XX II. Un tempo dentro al tempo, Finoia editore, 2023

La mano del tempo

A series of 27 drawings representing an atlas of timeless aesthetic ideas that emerged during two different Roman stays during the pandemic time. It features a personal survey of the mysterious relationship between time and architectural form.


  1. c-b, Fogli di architettura, Lettera22 edizioni, 2022
  2. Flavia Brusatin, Ciascuno al Proprio posto, AR Mag. 127/128, 2023
  3. Maurizio De Caro, Sul Mistero, Finoia Editore, 2022
  4. Ordine degli architetti di Roma, IoArch, Exibart, Il Foglio, Ordine degli Architetti di Milano, One, The Art Tribune

-Acquario Romano, Roma, 20 Marzo- 14 Aprile 2022
-Palazzo Vecchio, Cortile della Dogana, Firenze, November 2021

Il dialogo estetico di Roma

A series of 27 drawings representing an atlas of timeless aesthetic ideas that were revealed to the author during two different Roman stays during the pandemic time. It features the dialogue between Roman and Christian Rome through time.


  1.  c-b, Fogli di architettura, Lettera22 edizioni, 2022
  2. Flavia Brusatin, Ciascuno al Proprio posto, AR Mag. 127/128, 2023
  3. Maurizio De Caro, Sul Mistero, Finoia Editore, 2022
  4.  c-b, An Auto-Heterography on the Poetry of Architectural Form, THE PLAN JOURNAL, vol. 3, 2018
  5. Ordine degli architetti di Roma, IoArch, Exibart, Il Foglio, One, The Art Tribune

-Acquario Romano, Roma, 20 Marzo- 14Aprile 2022
-Palazzo Vecchio, Cortile della Dogana, Firenze, November 2021

Frammenti Berlinesi

Produced between 2016 and 2018 during the construction of a multi-level, prefabricated timber residential building I built in Berlin. The drawings represent an archaeological retrospective investigation of the world of forms that influenced my education (which occurred a quarter of a century earlier), a world that became legible with the construction.

-c-b, Disegni di architettura, Ordine degli architetti Bologna, 2022
-Maurizio De Caro, conrad-bercah: Berlino come metafora del tempo presente, One, 2021
-c-b, bercahaus. An architectural affair, Lettera22 edizioni, 2020
-c-b, Berlin Fragments, Lettera22 edizioni, 2019
-c-b, Frammenti Berlinesi, Lettera22 edizioni, 2018
-c-b, Architectural form and the mystery of beauty, EDA, ESEMPI DI ARCHITETTURA, vol. 1, 2018, pag 44-66,

-c-b, An Auto-Heterography on the Poetry of Architectural Form, THE PLAN JOURNAL, vol. 3, 20

-Galleria EMBRICE, Rome, November-December 2021
-BERLIN 2020 ARCHITEKTURE PRIZE, Berlin, September 2020
-BUCHERBOGEN, Berlin, Summer 2020
-BDA ARCHITEKTURE PRIZE, Berlin, September 2019
-MAKE CITY FESTIVAL, Berlin, June 2018

La città celeste

Produced mostly on August 19, 2018 on the pages of a newspaper purchased a week earlier and a few hours before the death of my father whose private funeral took place while the Morandi bridge in Genoa was collapsing, a bridge on which I had driven two weeks earlier and which had then appeared ripe for the collapse that actually took place. The drawings represent an unconscious attempt at accompanying his last journey through collages of projects accumulated during previous years. Projects he was not given the time to ‘see’ due to the terrible illness that struck him so severely.

Published in

-c-b, Disegni di architettura, Ordine degli architetti Bologna, 2022

L'anticittà che viene

Produced in the summer of 2019 after a protracted study trip to the Indochinese peninsula. It gathers visual notes on the conurbations of that part of the world which appeared like post litteram materialisations of 2019 Los Angeles, namely the dystopian landscape described with stunning prescience by Ridley Scott in Blade Runner some 40 years earlier (1982). it is the very same landscape that precipitated on the shoulders of the entire world the following year with COVID-19.

Published in

-conrad-bercah, Città come cultura: Disegni di architettura, Bologna: Ordine degli architetti, 2022

blau book

Visuals notes jotted on a Moleskine notebook (21 x 13) on February 18, 2018 as a first draft of Berlin Fragments.


-c-bDisegni di architettura, Ordine degli architetti Bologna, 2022

-An Auto-Heterography on the Poetry of Architectural Form, THE PLAN JOURNAL, vol. 3, 2018, p. 23-45